Friday, June 10, 2011

Madame Tussaud, by Michelle Moran

I was a history major in college and took classes in the French Revolution so I was predisposed to liking this book.  And it did not disappoint.  This period of history is so, so fascinating because it was so crazily out of control and it really didn't happen that long ago.  A whole country basically just went nuts and it is fascinating to read about the different sides and the many ways popular thinking twisted and turned.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Peony in Love, by Lisa See

This was the third book by  Lisa See I have read and it was by far my least favorite.  I mostly enjoyed her other books, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Shanghai Girls, because they discussed a culture and a time period that I was unfamiliar with and I really enjoyed learning more about it.  Peony in Love was just a much more unconventional story and I never felt like it really came together.

the beginning

As a Young Adult Librarian, I read a lot of books.  Some I like, some I don't, some I'm indifferent about.  People are often asking me about what I'm reading, and I like keeping track for myself to help remember something I loved or what that book about presidential assassinations was called.  I hope to use this blog to introduce people to new books that they may love or genres that they haven't tried before.  And I love feedback, so if anyone wants to submit a guest book review, I am all about that.  Interesting bits of news about books or movies being made out of books or authors I really like may find their way here as well.  Let's get on with it, shall we?